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July 4, 2023
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7 reasons to migrate your legacy data solution to the cloud

A lot have been said about the cloud benefits in general. When it comes to the data solutions (Data Warehouses, Data Lake, Lake Houses, Data ponds), it has it’s specifics. Let’s have a look what are the top 7 reasons to migrate your data solution to the cloud.

7 reasons to migrate your legacy data solution to the cloud

Unlimited scalability

Estimating proper sizing of the environment for any Data Warehouse / Lake / Lake House might be very tricky task. Isn’t it too much? Isn’t it too little? Of course, it impacts not only the sizing itself but it’s price as well. But if we put aside the money, there is little to worry about when it comes to precise estimates. Because you can always scale / down-size / up-size.

Overall solution costs / pay for what you really need

Speaking about sizing – to be on safe side, we tend to overestimate the storage, compute power, memory … And it costs money. And we pay for it all the time. All day long, every day, every month. But the heaviest part of the load is always in the morning (evening, night – add your current situation) and at the end of the month. Take these peaks into the consideration and pay only for what you really use in cloud.

As many environments as you need

In every large organization, many project often run in parallel. Every one of them with a different data requirements, different timeline and different project teams being involved. We all faced the limitations of the on-premises world. Procurement and provisioning of the environment takes ages. Process is stuck, access rights forgotten, from an idea to setup of the environment in months. With the cloud-based solution, provisioning of the account takes hours. Okay – days mostly. Environments management – then – is a different story. However, project NextGenHumanResourcesAndCRM needs additional environment? Let’s make it done.

Business continuity and security

While security might be perceived as an eventual threat to the overall solution security, the opposite is true. There is plenty of hard facts, certificates, and proofs of the public cloud solution security measures. No reason to repeat them in this blog post. Could big companies providing cloud services afford to underestimate the measures related to data privacy and data security? Not more your internal employees. On the contrary – the trust in their services is one of the few assets they have. Therefore, they care a lot. And you should trust them.

Migration needs simplification. And simplification is good.

Moving your legacy solution to the cloud will require simplification. Because no-one wants to migrate unnecessary and obsolete data and data pipelines. Therefore, migration to the cloud will be your vehicle to the solution decluttering. Use the opportunity also to clean-up your solution. By the way, did you know, that ADELE provides comprehensive set of the clean-up and de-cluttering features? Checks the related feature set here.

Prepare for future integrations

In the future, more and more solution will be cloud-based. With all the Open API initiatives, also the interfaces will be provided and exposed “publicly”. Therefore we can expect also lot’s of connectors to be in place out of the box. Instead of costly development of these integrations with your on-premises solution, leverage on the existing and pre-developed connectors in the future.

Attract new resources

Let’s be honest. Running on-premises Data Warehouse is becoming boring. In order to attract young people, new resources and new colleagues, one must be speaking about attractive and future-proof technologies. Oracles ? DB2s ? Teradatas ? Boring. But start talking about S3 buckets, data factories, BugQueries and you will immediately draw the attention.

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